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Sims 4 Trait Mods: Create Your Own Traits or Download from the Community

Traits in The Sims 4 are core personality traits that make up a Sim's wants, needs, and desires. While there's a good amount of variety when it comes to base game traits, many are restricted to certain expansion packs. As the game goes free-to-play, a lot of new players may be wary of spending so much money on expansion packs for a free game.

Sims 4 Trait Mods

With the cost of expansion packs so high, many will turn to the avid modding community to enhance their game for the low, low price of absolutely nothing. For these mods, in particular, Simmers will want to ensure that script mods are enabled in the game settings. Once that's been taken care of, the best Sims 4 Trait mods can then be used to fine-tune a Sim's personality.

Before downloading any other mods, players might want to consider the More Traits in CAS trait expansion mod by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii. The Sims 4 typically only allows for an adult Sim to have three traits, which can be incredibly limiting - especially when things like 'vegetarian' take up one of those precious slots.

This mod allows the Sim to have additional slots depending on their age. Elders, adults, and young adults can have five traits, teens can have four, children three, and toddlers two. This is a huge improvement on the current system and expands the depth of personality a Sim can have.

Perfect for family Simmers, the Child Exclusive Traits mod by Triplis adds eight new traits exclusive to children in The Sims 4. Players have long complained about the lack of depth for the earlier life stages, but it's nothing talented modders can't fix. This mod provides some variety to children's personalities and adds some extremes to spice up Sim stories.

The eight traits added are Bold, Fretful, Gigglemeister, Rocket, Sensitive, Sleuth, Sweetie, and Tattletale. The best part is that each trait directly corresponds to an in-game teen trait and adult trait.

As part of a series on 'Things Discover University is Missing', PimpMySims4 released the University Traits pack with five new traits tailored to university students. This pack adds the following traits: Coffee Addict, Frat Boy, Sorority Girl, Studious, and Cognitively Impaired. Each trait interacts with Discover University the best, but they will function in-game without the expansion pack.

Despite its potential to be a world without strife, there are many simmers that enjoy a little tension, drama, and upset in their Sims' world. For those players, the Misery Traits pack by NateTheL0ser adds a whole host of negative traits to play with.

This pack includes Alien Hater, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Hay Fever, Allergic to Cats, Allergic to Dogs, Hates Heat, Can't Stand Cold, Fame Jealous, Dry Skin, Chronic Headaches, Allergic to Magic, Asthmatic, and Hates Vampires. Each trait comes with unique negative buffs and Moodlets that create a more interesting story and more challenging gameplay.

For the astrologically inclined simmer, InsightBond has the comprehensive Zodiac Signs trait pack. This pack comes with a trait for each of the twelve zodiac signs, as well as unique interactions and Moodlets for each sign. Keen astrologers out there might even want to take advantage of the three trait slots to give their sim a sun, moon, and ascending sign.

The Emotional Traits pack from modder Kutoe elevates existing in-game traits and adds some emotion that the game might not have. All of these traits are available from ages child to elder, and even add boosts to Character Values introduced in the Parenthood expansion pack.

The included traits are Arrogant, Calm, Coward, Daydreamer, Egghead, Insecure, Oblivious, Perky, Restless, and Stoic. With all of these new, extreme traits, players are sure to be able to tell interesting stories and spice up their gameplay.

The Book Smart/Street Smart trait pack may only come with two traits, but they add a surprising amount of interest and realism to the game. In real life, many people will know (or be) people who ace exams but don't know how to catch a bus, and people that can navigate danger with incredible ease while lacking basic knowledge of academic subjects.

Each trait learns different skills faster, naturally does better at certain jobs, gets positive buffs for certain activities, and finishes certain activities faster. For example, Book Smart Sims will do better with Lawyer, Writer, Engineer, Doctor, Teacher, and Scientist careers. On the other hand, Street Smart Sims will do better in Athlete, Secret Agent, Criminal, Actor, Detective, Military, and Gardener careers.

The Dungeons and Dragons Alignments as Traits pack is perfect for Sims 4 players looking to recreate their characters in The Sims 4 to flesh out their personalities and looks. Each trait comes with interestingly thought-out buffs and interactions that correspond with each moral alignment.

Another trait pack by Kuttoe, Hobby Traits adds a total of eight new traits to the game based on different hobbies and lifestyles. Most of these traits require Sims to regularly participate in their favorite activities to prevent them from becoming stressed. Each trait also comes with new Moodlets, custom social interactions, speech bubbles, and whims.

With this trait pack, players can add the following traits to their Sims: Artisan, Competitive, Horticulturist, Movie Buff, Scribe, Technophobe, Tinker, and Worldly. They can then experiment with different combinations to add some interesting flavor to each Sim.

For those looking for ultimate customizability, the 100 Base Game Traits pack from Vicky Sims might be the best option out there. With a hundred unique traits to choose from, all with unique buffs, interactions, and Moodlets, it's clear this mod is an absolute labor of love.

These traits are split into five categories: emotional traits, social traits, relationship traits, physical traits, and talent/weakness traits. The player has the option to have all traits available in create-a-sim from the beginning, or, for a less cluttered experience, to have all of the traits in the rewards store instead.

For starters, Sims with the Shutterbug trait are photography addicts. They love to take photos all the time and connect emotionally with their images. They also want to learn as much about photography as possible.

The Beach Lover Trait by KiaraSims4Mods is definitely the simplest trait mod I have on this list. As you can see from the image, Sims with this trait love the beach and the sea and prefer to live in tropical regions.

The 2 new traits in this pack are Health Nut and Lavish. Health Nut Sims are health fanatics and enjoy yoga, wellness, and fitness. And Lavish Sims enjoy being pampered all day long because they hate cooking and cleaning.

Here you will find 8 unique character traits for children. Each trait is well-designed and has a lot of depth. For example, some traits get the random Confident moodlet while others the Inspired moodlet. However, all 8 traits feature new and unique interactions.

If you play The Sims 4 with the Discover University expansion pack, the University Trait pack is definitely for you. It can improve your university experience in-game by adding better traits that actually fit students.

This mod gives you 12 traits based on the 12 zodiac signs from the real world. Each sign has a corresponding trait that works in a unique way in-game. Also, each sign/trait has different whims, skill changes, and relationship changes.

Here is the major solution to the three-character-traits-only problem! This amazing mod gives you the option to add as many traits as you want, both inside the game and in the CAS menu.

By adding way more traits in Sims 4, you essentially make your Sims more complex and more realistic characters. The mod is massively popular within the community and every serious simmer out there has at least tried it out.

The Baby Machine trait will make your Sim charismatic and trustworthy. Additionally, they will be excellently suited for taking care of children because this skill comes naturally to them!

If there is one thing we love about the Sims 4 is the originality and dedication of the mod creators! For example, this Sims 4 trait mod bundle will give you everything you need to enrich your gameplay. More realistic traits for your Sims as well as traits for pets.

No longer will your new Sims inherit all the traits from their parents, but only one or two. And as far as the rest of the traits are concerned, your children will get them randomly as they age. It is a really neat addition to the game, made possible by Graycurse.

The way thing mod works are by cutting the birthday dialogue completely. Instead, your children will receive random traits as they age to young adults. Additionally, aspirations will also be randomly selected for them, but they will match the traits, of course.

Okay, so, many simmers have a problem with not being able to use all the lot traits from the beginning. This means that they have to live in a house first, and slowly unlock the traits that make their ideal home. And this is a big no-no!

Sims with this trait can create fires easily. They have a natural affinity for combustions, so they can set things ablaze all the time. But, pyromaniac Sims are also immune to fire! This makes them a constant threat to everyone around them, except themselves!

However, keep in mind that this mod will also turn your Sims into the two stereotypes of a man and a woman. But both of these traits have their own unique bonuses, so we highly suggest you give them a shot!

What do you get with this bundle pack? Well, you get 9 new traits, each of which represents an emotional aspect. So we have Calm, Insecure, Oblivious, Restless, Stoic, Arrogant, Daydreamer, Perky, and Egghead. And you probably know how all of them can make your Sim act.

Yes, this trait will make your Sim an unworthy and lying individual that always gets his way. Sims with this trait can learn mental skills faster, as well as be overall better in social situations. And this makes them the perfect villains! 2ff7e9595c

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